The April 2020 Real Estate Board are a reflection of our current Corona environment. Sales are down which is understandable considering the protocols in place for showings and lack of listings coming on until the stay at home policy is lifted. Prior to Covid 19 the market was busy and on an upward swing. Prices on detached, attached & condos are all up over last year. With the current low interest rates the prediction is that the market will have a sharp increase is sales volume once things get back to the new normal. In the meantime we have quite a few local buyers that are actively looking for homes. It is a great opportunity for local buyers to get into the lower mainland real estate market. …
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Burnaby North April 2020 Stats
2020-05-21We love Snapstats! They break down sales & listings by neighbourhood throughout Burnaby North. It is a great way to see what is happening your neighbourhood on a month to month basis. It also shows the percentage of price increases per area which may help in your decision of where to buy a home. Burnaby North is a great place to buy as prices have risen and it is a fairly balanced market, not favoring either buyers or sellers at the moment. Detached home prices show a 5.6% increase over last year, condos 1.2% increase & townhomes a 2.5% increase. Vancouver Heights had 2 sales last month and 11 active listings. The 11 listings are mostyl comprised of high end homes in the over 2 million dollar price range. Please take a look at the detached, attached & condo information enclosed and if you have any questions please give us a call. …
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April 2020 Vancouver East Stats
2020-05-21Enclosed are the Snapstats for East Vancouver! This is a great way to see what is happening in your neighbourhood and area! Some areas have recently changed, Hastings East is now Hastings Sunrise. Prices throughout Vancouver East are up from last year. Fraser, Grandview and Main street sub areas are leading the way up almost 11% from last year. Vancouver has many interesting diverse neighbourhoods and it is always interesting to see where the hotspots are. …
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Market Up-date Video April 2020
2020-05-21Enclosed is the Market Up-date Video for April 2020 produced by the Real estate Board of Greater Vancouver. It is a great way to get caught up with what is happening in the market. Take a look!